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Acetylation and Metabolism: Understanding Disease Mechanisms

The Role of Acetylation in Metabolic Regulation

Metabolism is universally recognized as a fundamental characteristic of life. Disruptions in metabolic processes can precipitate a myriad of diseases, and the complete cessation of metabolism ultimately leads to the cessation of life itself. Consequently, the intricate relationship between metabolism, health, and longevity has garnered significant scientific interest. It is noteworthy that approximately 80% of human diseases can be categorized as metabolic disorders. This raises an intriguing question: could the effective regulation of metabolism potentially lead to the control of a wide range of diseases? To address this, it is imperative to understand the mechanisms governing metabolic regulation.

Acetylation in Metabolic Enzyme Regulation

Recent research has illuminated the prevalence of acetylation as a post-translational modification in metabolic enzymes. This modification is extensively involved in various metabolic pathways, including the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, gluconeogenesis, glycolysis, glycogen metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, and the urea cycle. Astonishingly, up to 90% of the metabolic enzymes within these pathways undergo acetylation. Furthermore, acetylation-mediated regulation of metabolism is not confined to a particular group of organisms but is observed across the biological spectrum, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. This widespread occurrence underscores the evolutionary conservation of acetylation as a critical mechanism in metabolic regulation.

The Integration of Metabolism and Acetylation: A Paradigm for Phenotype and Mechanism Exploration

The landmark discovery of the intricate relationship between metabolism and acetylation has provided a crucial framework for understanding the interplay between phenotype and mechanism. This duality in research focus, where acetylation is studied from a metabolic perspective to uncover underlying mechanisms, and metabolism is investigated through the lens of acetylation to validate phenotypes, is referred to as mechanistic exploration and phenotypic validation, respectively. The integration of metabolism and acetylation, therefore, encompasses both critical aspects of scientific inquiry and represents a highly valuable research direction for the publication of high-impact academic papers.

The Significance of Metabolism-Acetylation Research

In recent years, the metabolism-acetylation research paradigm has yielded numerous high-impact publications. For instance, in 2015 and 2018, two seminal articles were published in Cell Metabolism, one of the most prestigious journals in the field of metabolism. These studies exemplify the potential of integrating acetylation with metabolic pathways to advance our understanding of complex biological systems. The success of these publications underscores the importance of this research approach in elucidating both phenotypic and mechanistic insights, thereby contributing to the advancement of metabolic science.

The Interrelationship Between Metabolism and Acetylation

The interconnection between metabolism and acetylation is both intricate and indispensable, encompassing two primary dimensions.

Metabolic Regulation of Acetylation

The first dimension pertains to the regulation of acetylation by metabolic processes. Acetyl-CoA, the acetyl donor in the acetylation process, is a ubiquitous metabolic intermediate whose concentration is modulated by nutritional availability. When nutrient levels are abundant, the intracellular concentration of acetyl-CoA increases, subsequently enhancing the activity of acetyltransferases and promoting the acetylation of substrate proteins. Conversely, during deacetylation, the metabolic intermediate NAD⁺, which is similarly regulated by nutrient availability, increases in concentration under nutrient-deficient conditions. This upregulation of NAD⁺ concentration stimulates the enzymatic activity of sirtuins, a class of deacetylases, thereby leading to the deacetylation of substrate proteins.

Metabolic Control of Acetylation

The second dimension involves the metabolic control of acetylation, which can be mediated through both direct and indirect pathways. The direct pathway involves the modulation of metabolic enzyme activity, wherein acetylation modifies the catalytic activity of metabolic enzymes, ultimately exerting a direct regulatory influence on downstream metabolites. The indirect pathway entails the regulation of the expression of metabolism-related genes. Acetylation of certain histones and transcription factors can influence the expression of these genes, thereby exerting an indirect regulatory effect on metabolic processes.

Metabolic Diseases and Metabolic Health

Metabolic Diseases and Acetylation

In the context of metabolic diseases, the loss of acetylation sites on metabolic enzymes can lead to a disruption in the regulation of enzyme activity and stability, resulting in metabolic dysregulation and the onset of disease. Numerous metabolic disorders, such as metabolic syndrome (characterized by obesity, diabetes, and heart failure) and cancer, are associated with aberrant acetylation patterns. For instance, abnormal acetylation levels of the rate-limiting gluconeogenesis enzyme PEPCK1 have been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetes. The knockout of specific acetyltransferase genes for PEPCK1 leads to a reduction in its acetylation, ultimately causing abnormal hyperglycemia, which may contribute to the development of diabetes. In obesity, the loss of function of the deacetylase Sirtuin3 has been linked to the formation of obesity. Sirtuin3 is known to activate key enzymes involved in lipid metabolism. Studies have shown that mice fed a high-fat diet and harboring a Sirtuin3 deficiency are more prone to obesity than wild-type mice. Moreover, cancer is also a metabolic disease characterized by high glucose uptake rates and uncontrolled glycolysis. In various cancers, high-glucose or other metabolic environments induce abnormal acetylation or deacetylation of numerous metabolic enzymes, ultimately promoting lipid synthesis, glycolysis, and lactate production, leading to tumor growth.

Acetylation and metabolism changes in lung cancer cells.Figure 1. Aberrations in acetylation and metabolism in lung cancer.

Metabolic Health and Longevity

Furthermore, metabolic health is closely linked to longevity, and research on acetylation modifications in the context of metabolic health is extensive. For example, caloric restriction and high exercise capacity are associated with distinct metabolic profiles and differential acetylation levels. Additionally, circadian feeding rhythms result in rhythmic acetylation modifications and differential metabolic products. Notably, a study published in Cell Metabolism in 2015 aimed to investigate the mechanisms underlying exercise metabolism. The study employed proteomics, phosphoproteomics, and acetylomics; however, the findings ultimately revealed that acetylation modifications were most closely related to metabolism.

Protein expression and modifications in high vs low exercise rats.Figure 2. Differential protein expression and post-translational modifications, including phosphorylation and acetylation, between high- and low-exercise capacity rats.

Metabolism and Plant Stress

In recent years, the role of acetylation modifications has garnered increasing attention within the field of plant biology. Despite this growing interest, research in plants lags significantly behind that of higher animals, particularly in the study of non-histone acetylation. Recent acetylome analyses in model plants have revealed that acetylation is highly correlated with metabolism. Furthermore, research into acetylation under abiotic and biotic stress conditions has demonstrated substantial potential, with omics data indicating that acetylation modifications on many crucial metabolic pathways are markedly altered under stress environments. This indicates significant future research prospects in this domain.


Acetylation is a pervasive regulatory mechanism present in cellular compartments such as the nucleus, cytoplasm, and mitochondria, influencing gene expression and metabolic activities. The acetylation of metabolic enzymes enhances the organism's adaptability to environmental changes. Therefore, research in both animal and plant systems holds the promise of substantial value.

The "acetylation + metabolism" approach bridges the gap between phenotype and mechanism. In the animal kingdom, although numerous mechanistic studies have been established, integrated research combining acetylomics and metabolomics remains sparse. This gap is even more pronounced in plant research. Consequently, the intersection of acetylation and metabolism presents a significant opportunity, with potential for both innovation and publication, promising boundless prospects.


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